Speedway SuperAmerica LLC Recall of Speedway Cigarette Lighters (March 30, 2006)

Aristo Home and Garden Recall of Fire Stick Multi-Purpose Lighters (June 13, 2005)

Arett Sales Corp. Recall of Multi-Purpose Barbecue Lighters (February 10, 2005 )

Zippo Recall of Multi-Purpose Utility Lighters (October 20, 2004)

Quality Fresh Cigars Recall of Lighters (February 26, 2004)

Style Asia Inc. Recall of Cigarette Lighters (October 29, 2003 )

The Sarut Group (City Limit) Recall of Fish-Shaped Cigarette Lighters (October 29, 2003 )

De Bon Sales Recall of Cigarette Lighters (July 17, 2003 )

Amen Wardy Home Recall of Multi-purpose Lighters Shaped Like Matchsticks (May 8, 2003 )

Young's J.K. Recall of Novelty Lighters (February 13, 2003 )

Montrose Wholesale Candies & Sundries Inc. Recall of Illegally Imported Cigarette Lighters (December 19, 2002 )

Statue of Liberty Cigarette Lighters Recalled by S&G Enterprises, Inc. (August 22, 2002)

Novelty Lighters Recalled by Young's J.K. Inc. (July 24, 2002 )

L.A. Lighter Recalls Disposable Cigarette Lighters (July 2, 2002 )

Hammacher Schlemmer Recall of Lighters (June 25, 2002)

Novelty Cigarette Lighters Recalled by Specialty Sales Co. Inc. (June 12, 2002 )

Micro-Mark Recalls Butane Micro Torch Lighters (January 31, 2002)

CPSC, Firms Announce Recall of Novelty Cigarette Lighters and Propane Torches (May 2, 2001)

Firms Recall Backpack Blowers and Cigarette Lighters (April 24, 2001)

Gladstrong Disposable Lighter Recall (April 17, 2001)

Cigarette Lighters Recalled by Fleetwood EXIM Inc. (April 5, 2001)

Lighters Recalled by Double L (March 6, 2001)